Monday, December 5, 2011

Most Mysterious Places

Easter Island
The Mystery of Easter Island:
Speculation and theories surround the history of Easter Island. Some believe that people from somewhere else arrived at the island and constructed the shines and statues, but some feel that they were the work of disturbed minds, elephants or extra-terrestrials were responsible. Then there are the Rongorongo tablets that can be deciphered in many ways depending on who is doing the deciphering. A Dutch captain discovered the statues in 1722 on Easter Day.
The statues weigh tons and reach 30 feet tall. How could people with no means to heavy lifting equipment carve these statues? How could elephants have helped build these statues when no signs of elephant remains are found on the 10-mile wide by 15 mile long island.
It may not be possible to ever discover the truth about Easter Island. Until then, it no one will ever know for sure if it was aliens from outer space that are responsible and the only ones that could have the resources to make such large and heavy statues of this type.

The Bermuda Triangle
The Bermuda Triangle:
Also called the Devil's Triangle, is an imaginary area that can be roughly outlined on a map by connecting Miami, Florida; San Juan, Puerto Rico; and the Bahamas, an island chain off the coast of the United States. Within that triangular area of the Atlantic Ocean have occurred a number of unexplained disappearances of boats and planes. Additionally, readings on directional devices do not operate normally inside the triangle.
Unusual events in that area date back in recorded history to 1493 and the first voyage of Christopher Columbus (1451–1506) to the New World. In his log, Columbus noted that his compass readings were askew within the area now called the Bermuda Triangle, and he and his crew were confused by shallow areas of sea with no land nearby.Nevertheless, there are many documented disappearances that occurred within the triangle. They include a four-engine Tudor IV air-plane lost in 1948, with 31 aboard; an American freighter, the SS Sandra (1952), which sunk without a trace; a British York transport plane, disappeared in 1952, with 33 aboard; a U.S. Navy Lockheed Constellation airplane, vanished in 1954 with 42 aboard; a U.S. Navy seaplane, 1956, with a crew of 10; a French freighter in 1970; and a German freighter, Anita, lost in 1972 with a crew of 32.

Stone Idols of Komi. Russia
Stone Idols of Komi. Russia:
This is one of the most mysterious places of Russian North. Those stone idols attract tourists from all the Russia. They stand alone on the wide plateau with no any stones or mountains around. Who built them? What for? Those questions have no answers

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